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Privacy Notice
(Effective Jan 30, 2024)

Welcome to DocAI. DocAI Technology Pte. Ltd., a corporation organized under the laws of Singapore (henceforth referred to as "DocAI," "we," "us," or "our"), offers the DocAI service. By utilizing the DocAI service, you recognize and consent to DocAI Technology Pte. Ltd. being the entity accountable for managing, utilizing, and securing your personal data as detailed in this Privacy Notice.


Before engaging with our Services or submitting any data, please review this document thoroughly. If you disagree with any part of this Notice, refrain from accessing or using our Services. Engaging with our Services implies acceptance of the practices described herein.


Data Collection

We gather and store personal data provided directly by you through our Website, during Product usage, and various other means.


Directly Provided Information

We collect and store data you provide via our Website, product use, support requests, social interactions, survey participation, job applications, event attendance, and website activities. This includes:

  • Account and Profile Data: Includes name, business phone number, email address, passwords, and other authentication and access details. You may also supply a display photo, job title, etc.

  • User-Generated Content: Includes the content you create, share, or input, such as application details, commands, links, privacy policies of applications, and other provided information.

  • Community and Website Contributions: Data submitted through social channels and websites, including feedback and interactive feature engagements.

  • Support Channel Data: Information provided when seeking support, including contact details and issue descriptions, to aid in resolution.


Payment Data: For certain services, we collect payment and billing details, outsourcing credit card processing to secure third-party services without retaining your credit card data.



Automatically Collected Information

Usage details, including service interactions, features used, clicked links, uploaded content specifics, and product interaction data, are tracked.


  • Device Information: We track the devices accessing our services, including hardware models, connective setups, operating system, browser types, and IP addresses.

  • Geolocation: We may collect approximate location data based on device settings.

  • Cookies and Tracking: To identify users across services, we utilize cookies, pixels, and local storage technologies, allowing opt-outs via browser settings.



Information from External Sources

We might receive data from other users, partners, and third-party sources, which we integrate with the data collected directly.



Data Usage

The personal data collected is essential to offering the Products, enhancing our operations, fulfilling contractual and legal obligations, securing our systems and clientele, or other legitimate interests as detailed herein. This includes service operation, user experience enhancement, trend analyses, support delivery, product provisioning, legal compliance, security purposes, and promotional communications.



Data Sharing

With consent, we may share data across business partners, third-party service providers, potential transaction advisers or buyers, and for legal compliance purposes.



Data Storage and Security

  1. Data Storage: Data may be stored and processed globally, ensuring compliance with this Privacy Notice and applicable laws.

  2. International Transfers: Transfers outside the EEA are conducted under protective measures such as Standard Contractual Clauses.

  3. Security Measures: We commit to protecting your data through reasonable precautions, although absolute security cannot be guaranteed.

  4. Legal Processing Bases (EEA): For individuals in the EEA, we process data based on consent, contractual needs, or legitimate interests.

  5. Data Retention: We retain data as necessary for product provision and as required by law, thereafter deleting or anonymizing it unless necessary for legal compliance.


Your Data Rights

You have rights to access, correct, erase, or restrict your data, depending on applicable laws. Consent withdrawal and objection to processing are also your rights. For service managed by administrators, contact them for assistance. Direct all other inquiries to us. Complaint rights exist with data protection authorities.


Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect data from individuals under 18. If such data collection occurs, we will delete the information promptly.



Policy Changes

We may update this Notice, applying changes to all collected data, and will notify you of significant updates. Continued Service use after modifications implies acceptance.

Contact Us

For inquiries about information management, contact:

DocAI Technology Pte. Ltd.


This document reflects our dedication to privacy and compliance with Singapore's laws and relevant international regulations. For detailed information or concerns, reach out as directed above.

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