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DocAI Technology provides AI-powered platform for SMEs to automate administrative tasks, streamline processes, and optimize workflow efficiency.

AI-Powered Administrative Assistance

Our AI platform acts as a virtual assistant, automating admin tasks like document management, data entry, and report generation, reducing manual effort and errors.

DocAI platform revolutionizes the recruitment process by automating key stages, including resume screening, candidate evaluation, and interview scheduling. By utilizing intelligent algorithms, our solution can quickly and accurately identify the most suitable candidates based on predefined criteria. This not only saves time but also enhances the quality of talent acquisition, ensuring companies find the best-fit candidates efficiently.

In addition to administrative assistance, we provide comprehensive business expansion services for companies venturing into Hong Kong and Macau. Our team of experts guides companies through the process of company incorporation, ensuring compliance with local regulations and a smooth setup process. We also assist with bank account opening, providing seamless financial operations.


Moreover, our recruitment services help companies identify and hire local talent, while our company secretarial services ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. Lastly, our agent sourcing services facilitate business development and partnership opportunities for companies seeking to establish their presence in new markets.

Seamless Business Expansion Services

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